Wednesday, June 8, 2011

queen elizabeth wedding tiara

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  • shana04
    05-18 05:43 PM
    Try Rajaguru Nalliah in Michigan. I hope that helps.

    Thank you very much, I retained an attorney.

    Thanks for you help.

    queen elizabeth wedding tiara. forthcoming Royal Wedding
  • forthcoming Royal Wedding

  • javadeveloper
    07-27 03:19 PM
    As per my knowledge Labor and I-140 (originals) are company's property.If employer is willing he/she can give you a copy

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  • queen elizabeth wedding tiara.

  • Immigstories
    01-17 07:17 PM
    Thank you both for sharing your thoughts...

    I have an unexpired H-1B visa stamp in my passport and I have contacted my attorney to upgrade the petition to premium. I plan to re-enter the country with the approved I797 and the unexpired H1B visa associated with the previous employer.

    For some reason, my attorney feels strongly that I need to get visa stamp in my passport from either canada or home country(India), if the petition is approved. Do you see any strong reason why he thinks I need a visa stamp in my passport?

    I have tried to convince him that people do re-enter with the approved I797 with attached I94, as long as they have an unexpired visa of the same class.

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  • Sophie#39;s Wedding tiara

  • hojo
    09-05 09:32 PM
    very nice footer lostinbeta, original and clean, looks great


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  • Royal Wedding: 1981 VS 2011

  • humdesi
    11-07 12:23 AM
    No need to register PIO kid till 15 years of age.

    Where did you see this rule? Not mentioned anywhere here:

    queen elizabeth wedding tiara. Queen Elizabeth II has one of
  • Queen Elizabeth II has one of

  • Dhundhun
    06-08 01:36 PM
    Thank you for your earlier help. I have one more question. My I485 with approved I140 EB2 catagory PD June 2006 is pending and God knows for how many days. My job as Mechanical Engineer is stable and employer is willing to help me. I have a PhD in Engineering with about 30 years experience in industry and teaching. However, because of industry work I do not have many publications. I am a Fellow of IEI and a recognised PhD guide in Indian University, can get good recommendations too. Can I try for EB1 in some catagory?
    Thanks again

    This site gives broad description of EB1 and its classification:

    This is speciality area for lawyers: Can they put in EB-1(b) catagory, which is dependant on research/publication or EB-1(c) if on very senior management?

    I think enough publications are required for EB-1(b), my couple of my friends with PhD could not get enough evidence to be placed in EB-1(b).


    queen elizabeth wedding tiara. Queen Elizabeth in a stunning
  • Queen Elizabeth in a stunning

  • OlgaJ
    May 25th, 2005, 06:01 AM
    I think the starkness of the Cherry Creek Reservoir area makes it difficult to capture its charm. (I lived 1-2 miles away from there for 24 years.) If I still lived there, I would be concentrating more on the cloud formations (which you don't see in too many places) when using the 17-85 lens. I would also take a couple of shots of the same scene, one metered for the sky and another for the shadow areas and blend them in PS.


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  • The tiara was given to

  • dilber
    04-24 06:16 PM
    Congratulations... have an awesome party... :)


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  • Royal Wedding tiaras. Queen

  • EndlessWait
    07-05 03:11 PM
    Cmon ever since independece we have never been united on any cause. I see threads from Gandhigiri(sending roses)...TO .. "no work on 13th"petition. But cmon look at the responses, e.g. no working day petions had only 75 votes , of which most are scared to put there employer name info. etc.

    75 here 120 you guys really think with these numbers will make our voices heard .. On the other end lot of people are happy about the revision of the July bulletin and yes that includes the ones stuck in BEC (hypocrisy check! ) and the desi employers who perhaps were fasting/praying or something for this to happen... :-)

    Its a number's game. We will never make our voices heard unless we can join hundred of thousands for a cause. I appreciate what IV has attempted to do, but it's an inherent problem with people like us, every one is out there trying to get ahead of the line. If given the choice most would exploit each other to take advantage. I mentioned "desis" perhaps, the problem we face is quite fitting to people from populous nations. I think we are looking at the problem from a very micro level(green card backlog).. The glut in immigration is nothing new and represents similar issues faced in India or China etc.

    I am sounding completely pessimistic, but its the harsh reality. Perhaps we are not tuned to be united, we've been raised, bred to be just competitive and anything else which is a byproduct of competition.

    just my 2 cents.
    pls before anyone starts shouting at my post. Throw the hypocrisy out of the door and then reply.

    queen elizabeth wedding tiara. Queen Elizabeth later loaned
  • Queen Elizabeth later loaned

  • Jaime
    09-12 05:02 PM
    Come to DC or we will send "Churi Chikkanna" after you...LOL

    Not exactly sure who Churi Chikkanna is, but we will definitely recruit him/her and send him after anyone who does not attend the rally!!!

    Only kidding of course



    queen elizabeth wedding tiara. The tiara was made for Queen
  • The tiara was made for Queen

  • sertasheep
    04-03 06:01 PM
    Latest issued I-94 card is always in force. Lets say that you went out of the country on whatever visa, and then you entered back. You'll get a I-94 at that time. (Lets call this "X")

    While you were away, its likely that you may have gotten your H1 approval. There are 2 possibilities here. You may get an I-94 stub with your H1 . Lets call this Y1.
    The other possibility is Y2- wherein you get the H1 approval, but there's no accompanying I-94.

    The important point here is when the H1 would be approved. Lets examine the situations under which you need to get a new I-94 by leaving the US and coming back:

    Situation 1) X happens, then you enter the US. Then say Y1 has happened while you were away. I-94 from Y1 is no longer valid. You will need a new I-94. Solution: Go out of the US, get stamp, come in with new I-94.

    Situation 2) X happens, then you enter the US. Then say Y2 has happened while you were away, or even after you enter the US. I-94 from Y2 is no longer valid. You will need a new I-94. Solution: Go out of the US, get stamp, come in with new I-94.

    The only situation wherein you don't need to go out of the country is:
    X happens, then you enter the US. After you enter the US, you get your H1 approval with a new I-94 attached.

    Confused? I'm on the west coast. you can call me at <EDIT: Removed tel. number> if you aren't clear. Remember, I'm not a immigration lawyer.

    To keep it simple: avoid going out of the country until you get your H1 approval.

    Someone else asked for lawyer's names. Admin, I'm not sure if it is against policy, but I will mention a name may edit if this is against policy.

    See the following link:

    queen elizabeth wedding tiara. Queen Elizabeth II wearing The
  • Queen Elizabeth II wearing The

  • h1bnogc
    08-29 09:12 AM
    Thank you both for sharing your thoughts...

    I have an unexpired H-1B visa stamp in my passport and I have contacted my attorney to upgrade the petition to premium. I plan to re-enter the country with the approved I797 and the unexpired H1B visa associated with the previous employer.

    For some reason, my attorney feels strongly that I need to get visa stamp in my passport from either canada or home country(India), if the petition is approved. Do you see any strong reason why he thinks I need a visa stamp in my passport?

    I have tried to convince him that people do re-enter with the approved I797 with attached I94, as long as they have an unexpired visa of the same class.

    Could you please share your experience at POE? many many thanks


    queen elizabeth wedding tiara. Queen Elizabeth#39;s wedding,
  • Queen Elizabeth#39;s wedding,

  • chantu
    08-21 06:17 PM
    Of course you can work. Sometimes I worked extra 10 hrs/week and max I did was 20hrs/week. It is good to have more money than your LCA amount.

    Is it legal to work overtime when you are on H1B? I have been working more than 40 hours a week ever since I got my H1B (about 5 hours overtime per week on average). They pay me time and half for the hours over 40.

    The reason I ask is that I need to send a couple of paystubs as my parents are travelling to the US soon and I do not want the guy at the port of entry make a bid deal of my overtime hours (if he looks at it and finds out, which I doubt).

    The person that stamps your passport and I-94 at the port of entry, is he an immigration officer or who is he? I am writing a letter for my parents to carry with them to show that person if asked for it and not sure who to address the letter. Thanks.

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  • Queen Elizabeth II, diamond

  • alterego
    07-08 05:12 PM
    Is that all he said? I wonder why he did not say they should be screened for their skin color, their Shakespearean English and BTW all the applications of legal residents and naturalized Citizens here who are non Europeans ought to be revisited to ensure they fit the new criteria. Perhaps actually saying that would have been too politically incorrect.

    This guy is unbelievably anti-immigrant. Even many anti-immigrants feel he is too far to their right on this issue. Him in the house and Sen. Jeff Sessions in the Senate cannot be changed. They are rather openly vile, vicious and virulent in their attack of any and all or illegal. That is why they are given so much airtime on CNN with Lou Dobbs.

    The real irony of it all to me is that the ancestors of many of the Mexicans (albeit illegal) immigrants crossing the southern border are indigenous people of the Americas (the new world) like Mayans and Aztecs (atleast in part). His (Tancredo's) predecessors on the other hand are "invaders" like he terms todays immigrants. I wish one day his kind of people who seem like they feel America is their divine gift from god get asked this question in a public forum.


    queen elizabeth wedding tiara. Princess Elizabeth#39;s Wedding
  • Princess Elizabeth#39;s Wedding

  • mmk123
    04-16 07:32 PM
    My parents are scheduled to travel on Monday via delta flight to India via Paris. As you all know all European flights are either cancelled or postponed and paris airport is currently closed. Their I-94 date is 19-April.

    They will travel on next available flight if we find that monday flight is cancelled (which is likely). Assuming that their travel is cancelled or postponed, it is evident that they will most likely pass their I94 date.

    What should we do in such situation? Just trying to understand any steps we need to take in advance if we have to notify any authority etc.

    Appreciate your help,

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  • Prince and Princess of Wales

  • MetteBB
    05-12 02:07 AM
    Why thank you! Looks nice and fresh doesnt it? Like you just wanna take a big bite out of them. :drool:



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  • vivache
    11-08 07:29 PM
    1. I would like to believe that all visa numbers include the dependents etc .. since USCIS has the numbers.
    2. At the same time .. maybe 245i is kicking in .. else the priority dates would be different

    The only thing I'm not clear about is this:
    Is 245i only affecting eb3 and not eb2?

    And also from the answers it looks like, inspite of uscis making the numbers public .. it doesn't help us make a prediction

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  • ping1
    07-17 05:48 PM
    Dear Lofgren,

    Thank you very much for your effort.

    queen elizabeth wedding tiara. Queen Elizabeth II sitting
  • Queen Elizabeth II sitting

  • solaris27
    05-18 08:35 AM
    I did it myself.

    Don't waste money for any lawyers .

    its very simple .

    04-14 08:31 PM
    Hats off to your patience. you deserve a hug from Obama. just kidding.

    Dear IV Friends,

    After reading the title you people must be thinking that i got my GC or 485 approved but the fact is I Finally got my PERM filed this month. The purpose of this thread is to inform anyone who is waiting for PERM withdrawal that it took THREE months to withdrawal my OLD perm application. I hope no one is in this situation.

    Whenever i use to post something on IV, folks use to have a generic answer "update your profile" but i couldn't as i was waiting to file my PERM. This for those people who always wanted me to update my profile. Checkout my Priority date is April 09 :D in my profile

    I am in my 5th year of H1b hope this time i get my PERM approved. In my earlier Green card process i have already been through this queue two times and now i have to start allover again.


    07-17 06:27 PM
    Sorry I am posting this on multiple threads (because there are so many!)

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